Sell and buy on business cloud Kenya. Delivery is free in 24 hours and we are the leading in B2B in Kenya. Businesses can connect on businessclaud
Why Business cloud Kenya
1. Businessclaud Kenya offers free delivery in 24 hours
2. We use innovation to give you online sales. For instance our ReSell programs sells more products that you can imagine.
3. Businesscloud Kenya does free posting for you
4. BusinessCloud Kenya does free image editing for you
5. business cloud Kenya is very good in B2B in Kenya hence businesses connect and trade on Businessclaud
6. You can sell faster on Business Cloud Kenya, our marketing strategies are well organised hence sales are good on daily basis
7. BusinessCloud Kenya does free image editing for you
8. Unlike other platforms that sell online, when you pay to sell on Businessclaud, we give you a binding agreement to sign. You are not just paying to sell online, we are creating a long lasting partnership with you.